7 Ways to get Your Kids Moving

‘I like to move it, move it!’ – as the song says.

But what if we don’t?

What if our kids aren’t moving their bodies?

What if our families are stuck on their screens?

What impact does that have on their learning?

Movement is necessary for all of us, for our overall health.

What does movement do for our kids?

Movement benefits kids’ bodies, brain, memory and academic performance. Motivation is a primary part of learning, and movement can be a powerful tool to improve motivation. Our kids may be lacking motivation to learn or try new things. When they move and exercise, they become more intrinsically motivated. That means it comes from within and they can then enjoy and retain what they are learning. Movement can cut down behavioural issues and foster better relationships between children and their peers. In turn, this has a positive effect on mental health. Teens who regularly participate in sports typically have better mental health as they age. In a world where so many kids are suffering with mental health challenges, starting our kids out with lots of movement in their lives can even be preventative. Movement has a positive impact on executive functions as well. This includes focus, attention, planning, problem solving and emotional regulation. What a powerful concept!!

Teens who regularly participate in sports typically have better mental health as they age. In a world where so many kids are suffering with mental health challenges, starting our kids out with lots of movement in their lives can even be preventative.

7 ways to get your kids moving:

1. Encourage them – find out what they enjoy, and encourage it.

2. Take breaks from screen time – get them moving, even if it means some jumping jacks, or running around the outside of the house 10 times before they come in.

3. Use a timer – Exercise movement do not need to take a long time. Kids can do movement activities in short or large chunks of time.

4. Move while studying and doing homework. – This may mean that they stand at their desk or table while working, or walking around the room while memorizing information. They could bounce a ball or hop from one spot to another.

5. Be ready to go outside – Don’t make the weather the reason your kids don’t get moving. Bundle them up to go out and build a snowman. Put on their raincoat and let them out to jump in puddles. Enjoy the sun and go for a walk (short or long), put on a bathing suit and let them run and swim at the beach. Kids love to race! Get them running or doing crab walk races at the park. The bonus is that they will get lots of fresh air too!

6. Dance! There are lots of videos that can teach kids to dance. Even better, have your child teach you a dance and you both get moving. I did this with my 18 year old son. It also sharpened our minds as we had to memorize and practice the steps.

7. Move with your kids! – It is good for all of you physically, and can foster positive emotional connections with your kids.

Start small with a few movements. Make it fun. You can do it! Journal about the experience so you can track the changes in your child. Keep track of what works and doesn’t work. What they really enjoyed or didn’t enjoy.

Happy moving!


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